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优化工作流程 发布日期:2024-05-20 19:35:30 浏览次数:
optimize workflow
optimize your workflow
streamline workflows
Recipe programs, multi-sample and statistical analyses optimize workflow.
We optimize workflow and reduce time and effort required for something to do business.
是德科技卫星技术解决方案帮助您在开发尖端技术的同时优化工作流程,从而在测试范围和成本之间取得良好平衡。 雷达
Keysight satellite technology solutions help you optimize your workflow while developing leading edge technologies so you can balance test coverage and cost. Radar
利用可提供优质结果的凝血系统和试剂,结合其他 Abbott Core Laboratory 解决方案,与具备技术专长的合作伙伴一起全面整合并优化工作流程,从而提高您所在核心实验室的生产力。
Improve productivity in your Core Laboratory with a coagulation system and reagents that delivers quality results, integration with other Abbott Core Laboratory solutions, and a partner with the expertise to fully integrate and optimize your workflow.
Use our integrated solutions to streamline workflows and ensure reliable results
Going wireless can streamline workflows, improve data accuracy, and speed physical inventory and cycle counts, among other benefits.
Optimized workflow, from testing against expected procedures to direct reporting
Best Production Quality through an Optimized Workflow.
通过"艺术家色彩管理指南 ", 优化工作流程
Optimize your workflow with the guide "Color Management for Artists".
要了解更多关于您的公司可以如何使用 Vocollect 语音解决方案来优化工作流程绩效的信息,请立即联系我们。
To learn more about how your company can optimize workflow performance with Vocollect voice solutions, contact us today.
欲详细了解霍尼韦尔语音解决方案如何帮助贵公司优化工作流程, 请立即联系我们。
To learn more about how your company can optimize workflow performance with Vocollect voice solutions, contact us today.
Improved Efficiency, Increased Flexibility, Optimized Workflow
Job Description: responsible for the administration of overseas sales, team building, optimize workflow, and improve the efficiency of departmental operations
独到的"双视角超声"理念融合了 eHD 技术,采用了最新的创新成果,能够增强医疗人员的诊断信心,优化工作流程,集绝佳性能和专有解决方案于一身,改善日常临床局面。
The unique "Twice Ultrasound Vision" with eHD Technology offers the latest innovations for diagnostic confidence and optimized workflow, combining top performance and exclusive solutions to change daily clinical outcomes.
1.4 会部将继续以事先规划为工作中心,以便有效管理会议事务,并且将优化工作流程、根据预期产出安排能力以及特别重视最终结果和总体业绩。
1.4 The Department will continue to focus on advance planning for effective management of conference services, optimize workflow, align capacity with expected output and pay special attention to the end results and overall performance.
Continue to establish and improve the technical standard system; optimize workflow and revision improve the management system provisions; and on this basis, the technical standards and management standards to further refine the management, professional and technical posts and front-line staff operating status of work standards.
Batch job printing: 15 cassettes/minute; single-cassette printing: 10 sec per cassette; for high throughput and optimized workflow.
Productivity-enhancing potential is leveraged by optimizing work sequences and organizational structures.
Optimizing your workflow by predicting what you'll want to do next
Know how to optimize their workflow for each of the liquid handling steps involved
